on and off
inner space and outer edges
closer to the center
far away from the point of contact

then again return to familiar choices
touch and go
fly and flow
one fall
second fall
third and fall into fall into fail into fall

physical dialogues through space and time, through imagery and reality

moving along with the smile
and the bones of every body

spiraling jumping turning falling spinning
sliding rolling bonding releasing sensing

closer to the present
filling the silence with moments of sensing
experiencing our bodies 
influencing our perceptions and beliefs 
relating to the world
making connections 


closing a connection
mapping a new ground to move
reacting into falling
falling into falling
blending and surrounding the air with life

nothing more than white
more than an empty white
and happiness
choices and facts
bringing time into the body
sharing the body with time

sphere-space-support into balance

The only thing I did all the time was watching people. I have only seen human relations or I have tried to see them and talk about them. That's what I am interested in. I don't know anything more important.
                                                                 Pina Bausch (in Hoghe 1980:65)
                                                                                             from TDR Spring 2010 54:1